How To Store And Lay Carpet Tiles

Construction & Contractors Blog

Carpet tiles are a durable and practical flooring solution which makes them an increasingly popular choice for people furnishing new-build properties and office premises.  Here's a guide on how to store and lay removable carpet tiles.


You should always store carpet tiles in their original packaging and on a flat surface.  This is to prevent the tiles from warping, bending or becoming scuffed.  It's also not recommended that more than 10 boxes are stacked to avoid excess weight being placed on the lower tiles and crushing the material. 

Open the tiles a couple days prior to use and allow them to 'rest' at room temperature.  This allows the tiles to settle into their intended shape before you lay them.

Site conditions

The surface onto which the tiles are to laid must be smooth, dry and structurally sound.  Make sure the existing floor is sealed and therefore not at risk of rising moisture before you put the tiles down.  In the case of wooden flooring constructed from boards or planking, you'll need to infill any gaps and sand any lumps or bumps.

If the room has underfloor heating, make sure that the temperature won't exceed 28°C, and turn the heating off at least 48 hours before you lay the tiles.  If the floor temperature is too warm, the initial dressing of tile adhesive won't 'go off', and subsequent lifting or movement of the tiles may occur if the adhesive becomes softened by excess heat.

Laying the tiles

  1. Sweep or vacuum the floor to remove any bits of grit or other debris.  Any old carpet adhesive or paint will need to be removed before you lay the new carpet tiles.  Don't skip this task or you'll end up with lumpy flooring!  
  2. Begin by deciding on the style of layout you want.  Arrows on the back of the tiles show the direction of the carpet fibres.  If you want a plain finish to the carpeting, make sure the tiles are all laid in the same direction as per the arrows.  
  3. Measure the distance between the opposite walls in the room so that you can work out where the centre is.  Mark this with a chalk line, and then do the same with the other walls. 
  4. Place double-sided tile tape in a grid pattern across the room.  
  5. Begin laying the tiles at the centre of the room and work outwards.  This means that any cut tiles will be placed inconspicuously at the edges of the room, not on obvious display in the centre.  
  6. Lay each tile as tight to its neighbour as you can without causing the tiles to buckle, and make sure no carpet pile is caught in between the tiles.  You can use a blunt knife to carefully free any trapped pile as you go along.  
  7. Cut the edge tiles so that they fit tidily against the walls and skirting boards using a craft knife.  
  8. Allow 24 hours for the tile adhesive to dry completely before exposing the room to foot traffic.

Consult with a professional from a business like Fyshwick Carpets if you have questions or concerns about carpet tile installation.


31 July 2015

Repairing Broken Buildings

Welcome to my blog! My name is Richard and my big passion in life is looking for old buildings to restore. My love of old buildings started when I was seven years old and I visited my grandparent's house in Alice Springs. It was a large Victorian building which looked magnificent even though it was in a bad state of repair. Once I grew up and made some money, I decided I would like to invest in old buildings to bring them back to life. I hire a range of different contractors to complete the work on my behalf but I take a keen interest and I have learnt a lot of things.